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Pirates of South Pacific

We are travelling around the islands of Polynesia.

Certified Bad Asses

We got our first diving certificates from Mahana Dive in Huahine. We couldn't hope for a better teacher than Mahana's founder Annie - she was an absolute diving ninja, and also great at explaining everything you might feel as you take your first steps. You know, the best teachers are the ones who remember what it's like to be learning. She was also fantastic at explaining the diferent marine life we encountered and every time we showed up at Arefahu Pass, the most popular diving site on Huahine, her friend the giant triggerfish would recognize the boat and show up immediately, and then follow her around for the whole dive. Disney princesses ain't got nothing on this one.

We were a class of three for the certificate, the third was a French ski instructor by the appropriate name Oceane. Yes, it was all just magical and perfect.

And, it turns out, we can totally do it. I was worried I would freak out, since I'd been quite scared of water since things got a bit close at one point in 2012 and I've been pancking whenever things got even a little out of control, but during this whole trip I've worked through those fears. And anyway, around the reefs there is just way too much going on to focus on anxiety. It's like being surrounded by friendly, but very weird, aliens. In space. In zero gravity. I mean, it's amazing. Don't take my word for it, watch the videos.